18 February 2008

philip roth's indignation

I just came across a rather recent interview with Philip Roth. In it he mentions he has a new book coming out later this year, hot on the heels of last year's Exit Ghost.

He says it's "not about age, but about students during the time of the Korean War, the title will be 'Indignation.'"

Sounds to me like this fits in with his so-called American Trilogy: American Pastoral, I Married A Communist and The Human Stain. But those books ultimately centered around Roth's literary alter-ego, Nathan Zuckerman, and that character's experience throughout post-WWII America. And Exit Ghost was purportedly the last in the Zuckerman series.

At any rate, you can read the entire interview here. It's a good read. Some nice bits about Obama as well.

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